I’m Claire-Fae, a Psychic Medium living on the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. I am deeply inspired by the unknown. I have an instinctive awareness of people, places and things. I offer psychic and mediumship readings online with pop-up in-person events available in the near future - subscribe to stay in the loop.

  • Mediumship is talking to passed loved ones in the spirit world, and every medium has their own unique way of communicating with spirit.

Why see a Medium?

A medium will help to interpret energy and information from the spirit world, like a cellular tower facilitating a call between you and your loved ones on the other-side. When a deceased loved one visits, they do so because they love us and want us to know they are ok and still with us just in a different way!

You do not need to believe in a higher-power to receive a validating and informative reading from a medium. A gifted medium will offer a certain level of specific evidence that nobody else could possibly know, giving you confirmation that you are indeed communicating with your loved ones in spirit. We will always miss our passed loved ones by varying degrees throughout our lives, and although a reading will never take away the sadness of not having their physical presence with us, it may bring a certain level of emotional healing to the grieving process (whatever that is for you right now).

All mediums are different and will receive and interpret energy and information differently. You may need to try a few to find someone that you can really connect with personally. A medium will not be correct 100% of the time, and although some of the information received during your reading may not land immediately - it may mean more for you in coming days or weeks.

There is no set time period after losing a loved one, that you can begin receiving signs from them, and that some souls may also need more time to integrate to their new ‘home’ - so be patient should you do not receive signs and messages straight away. A medium can help in clarifying messages you have been receiving or help with re-establishing a greater spiritual connection with your passed loved one. Death only signifies the end of a physical body, as our soul is indestructible. Follow your heart and intuition to what feels right for you, and remember to trust your inner knowing.

Like to experience a reading?

Bookings are currently available with Claire-Fae for private psychic and mediumship readings.

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